Dragon Ball Z is one of the most popular anime series out there, and one of the reasons for its success is that it provides you with moments of inspiration. Whether you are a Dragon Ball enthusiast, a casual fan, or just enjoy quotes from the anime series, you can’t help but be inspired by these powerful words. If you’re into Dragon Ball Z as much as we are, then this post is for you! We’ve collected some of the most iconic quotes from the series that will motivate and inspire you in your daily life. Here are 100 Dragon Ball Z Motivation Quotes from the 10 most popular characters.
10 Best Goku Motivation Quotes

Power comes in response to a need, not a desire.
It looks like they only want me and that’s exactly what they’ll get.
You see, when you take life, you live deep in fear that your life will be taken away as well. When you harm others, you’re only just harming yourself.
Maybe you’ll come back someday as…as a better person, I hope. I’d like that. Perhaps we’ll have a little one-on-one.
Sometimes life is too uncertain to have regrets.
Me personally, I like to work and train.
But really what’s draining your strength is your own doubt.
With my newfound power, I can beat anyone!
Even a low-class warrior can surpass an elite. With enough hard work.
I would rather be a brainless monkey than a heartless monster.

10 Best Vegeta Motivation Quotes

There’s only one certainty in life. A strong man stands above and conquers all!
I do not fear this new challenge. Rather like a true warrior I will rise to meet it.
There are fears even among the most powerful warriors. The bravery they have to overcome their fears is what makes them a real warrior.
There’s no such thing as fair or unfair in battle. There is only victory or in your case, defeat.
Your training isn’t over when your body gives up, but when you’re mind gives up.
Even if nobody believes me, supports me, or recognizes my effort. I’ll keep on going.
It’s not over when you lose, it’s over when you quit.
Even the mightiest warriors experience fears. What makes them a true warrior is the courage that they possess to overcome their fears.
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.
Push through the Pain. Giving Up Hurts More.

10 Best Piccolo Motivation Quotes

Sometimes, we have to look beyond what we want and do what’s best.
You’ll laugh at your fears when you find out who you are.
My greatest opponent is myself. If I can discover what my weaknesses are, then I will be an even stronger fighter than I already am.
We can’t just give up just because things aren’t going the way we want them.
Hey, guess what? Sometimes kid, life is cruel, and don’t you forget it.
Gohan, you showed me that power is nothing without being guided by love.
You two don’t have a clue! Even the smallest bit of power can mean the difference between winning and losing!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I can do this! I can win! I feel great!
Why don’t you reserve passing judgment until after you’ve seen my latest technique, it’s a real showstopper.
Even with the energy you took from me, my power is still far greater than your own.

10 Best Gohan Motivation Quotes

My father is the greatest fighter ever and I want to fight in the same clothing as him.
One thing I learned from my father is to never give up, even when the odds are stacked against you.
I’ve gotta be strong! Everyone’s counting on me, I can’t let them down.
No! I can’t just here and do nothing, I’m going down there! Got it!? I’m done waiting!
I can never forgive you for what you’ve done.
I know your kind. You think you can just wall in and take our planet. But you forgot one thing… I’m my father’s son!
Is that all you’ve got?
Take him down now? No, I think I’ll wait. I’m going to let him suffer for a little while.
Whenever my friends needed me most I was always too weak or to scared to help them. I’ve been letting them down my whole life!

10 Best Future Trunks Motivation Quotes

You should know that a weapon doesn’t make a man!
I can’t find hope in the present, but if I change the past can I find hope for the future?
You think this life is all about you, don’t you? What about the others?
Believe what you want.
I can’t rely on others forever. I have to win my own battles!
Enemies can grow stronger too. I can never relent in my training.
I have to become stronger… Who knows what enemies await?
I fight to save everyone, and I live thanks to everyone. That’s who I am!
Watch where you point that thing, I might get the wrong idea. We may be fighting, but this is still a tournament, no killing allowed!
You’re about to find out what it’s like to fight a real Super Saiyan…and I’m not talking about Goku.

10 Best Master Roshi Motivation Quotes

You should be moving, learning, playing, eating, and resting every day. That’s the Turtle School way!
A true martial artist doesn’t fight to win; they fight to better themselves.
The power measured from Goku was unstable. Think about it. A candle flickers most violently just before it burns out.
In an ancient time, Earth was nearly destroyed. Not by man, but by Gods from the sky.
There’s no shame in needing help.
Come on! Time to see how much you’ve improved!
You may beat me in power and speed, but I’ve got something you’re lacking: experience!”
Remain focus, Gohan. You should be ready for anything!
When I tell my students a true martial artist strengthens their mind and body, I mean their OWN body! Not one they have stolen from somebody else!
You’re without a doubt extremely strong, Jiren. But true strength is not something you obtain on your own. It’s a team effort.

10 Best Bulma Motivation Quotes

It’s not often that beauty and genius come in such a nice package.
If you want to catch a fish, you got to use the right kind of bait.
I’ve got enough friends with weird hang-ups already. Not mentioning any names of course.
I knew it might mean trouble but there’s always danger when you have a big heart like mine.
Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from your Daddy’s scary little face!
Somebody help me! I’m too young and pretty to die!
All right Vegeta, it’s time to face the wrath of an angry woman – and I’ll bet you’ve never seen anything like it!
You know, I sure am glad some people know how to treat a beautiful stranger like me.
Man, here I am, slaving away and for who? For friends who forgot I exist. It’s a darn shame. Yep, those guys are taking me for granted.
It is so incredibly rude to talk badly about a girl behind her back.

10 Best Krillin Motivation Quotes

Talk about a bad situation… Goku, Gohan and Vegeta couldn’t even beat this monster, so what chance do I have against him? But if I don’t try… then there’s no one left to protect my friends!
Don’t you know that everyone who’s serious about martial arts shaves their head!?
That’s not an ordinary lady you’re lookin’ at there. Chi-Chi’s one of the strongest women on the planet. Even Goku’s afraid of her.
I’d better watch my step. If I make one wrong move, he’ll turn me inside out and hang me out to dry.
The others…they’re all counting on me! I can’t let them down!
Come on, guys, let’s give it another try.
I can’t be killed by the same person twice…I hope.
I’ve gotten stronger too, you know! I’m not letting you hurt any of my friends!
I was trained by Master Roshi himself. I’m no pushover.
I’m impressed. Your movements are even cleaner than ever before, Master Roshi! Well, I guess I need to make sure I can still keep up with you!

10 Best Frieza Motivation Quotes

I doubt I need an introduction, but just in case, I am the mighty Frieza and yes, all the horrible stories you’ve heard are true.
There are three things I refuse to tolerate. Cowardice. Bad haircuts, and military insurrection. And it is unfortunate that our friend Vegeta possesses all three of these.
Before you begin your pathetic struggle to survive, I should warn you. Your chance of winning is nonexistent.
How does a Saiyan have such incredible power? They are, after all, inferior creatures.
Vegeta, it pains me to see you going through this. What a waste. I favored you so much. Why couldn’t you just continue to obey me?
The pain that you have caused me…I will return it ten-fold!
I’ve never met a sentimental Saiyan before. It’ll be your downfall.
Well, I’ve got to hand it to you. You’re the first one who’s ever hurt me besides my loving parents that are. Hm. It’s been so long since I felt pain. It’s such a strange sensation.
Don’t worry. It won’t hurt too bad. Really. Death is my specialty.
The sun is shining, the ocean is a sparkling blue, the mountains can be seen in the background. It’s positively perfect. Now, all we have to do is decide which one of you gets to die first.

10 Best Beerus Motivation Quotes

Before creation…must come destruction!
Now, all that is left is the destruction of the earth, but I think it would be a waste to destroy it. The food on this planet is very delicious.
It seems Saiyans have changed since the last time I saw them. They have become cowardly.
Your naive nature could be a menace to the universe.
You’re still no match for me. But I least I got to see the results of your training.
Anyone stronger than the god of destruction does not exist.
I am a god with a heart, but there’s one thing I cannot tolerate… people who don’t pay their proper respect to others.
Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy.
It’s only a matter of time before you master that power. I might actually need to start paying attention in our fights.
I’ll admit you’re a bit better than I thought.